I have to check if I have duplicate paths in a FileListBox (FileListBox has the role of some kind of job list or play list). Using Delphi s SameText, CompareStr, CompareText, takes 6 seconds. So I came with my own compare function which is (just) a bit faster but not fast enough. Any ideas how to improve it?
function SameFile(CONST Path1, Path2: string): Boolean;
VAR i: Integer;
Result:= Length(Path1)= Length(Path2); { if they have different lenghts then obviously are not the same file }
if Result then
for i:= Length(Path1) downto 1 DO { start from the end because it is more likely to find the difference there }
if Path1[i]<> Path2[i] then
Result:= FALSE;
for x:= JList.Count-1 downto 1 DO
sMaster:= JList.Items[x];
for y:= x-1 downto 0 DO
if SameFile(sMaster, JList.Items[y]) then
JList.Items.Delete (x); { REMOVE DUPLICATES }
注:重复的可能性很小,因此不经常要求删除。 此外,不能对清单进行分类,因为项目由用户添加,有时订单可能很重要。
The thing is that I lose the asvantage of my code because it is Pascal.
It would be nice if the comparison loop ( Path1[i]<> Path2[i] ) would be optimized to use Borland s ASM code.
Delphi 7, Win XP 32 bit,在清单中测试了577项物品。 删除项目清单>
As Svein Bringsli pointed, my code is slow not because of the comparing algorithm but because of TListBox. The BEST solution was provided by Marcelo Cantos. Thanks a lot Marcelo.
I accepted Svein s answer because it answers directly my question "how to make my comparison function faster" with "there is no point to make it faster".
For the moment I implemented the dirty and quick to implement solution: when I have under 200 files, I use my slow code to check the duplicates. If there are more than 200 files I use dwrbudr s solution (which is damn fast) considering that if the user has so many files, the order is irrelevant anyway (human brain cannot track so many items).