English 中文(简体)
2D 阵列
原标题:2D array through pointers
  • 时间:2010-09-18 08:54:02
  •  标签:
  • c
  • pointers

我想在点人的帮助下扫描一个2D阵列,并撰写了这一法典,请告诉我,编辑者为什么会犯错误? I know How to use Double pointers to do same, i is conducted with this.

int main(void) {
    int i,j,n,a,b;
    int (*(*p)[])[];
	Enter the size of the matrix in the form aXb	
    p=(int (*(*p)[b])[a])malloc(b*sizeof(int (*p)[a]));
    for(i=0;i<b;i++) {
            p[i]=(int (*p)[a])malloc(a*sizeof(int));
            printf("	Enter Column %d	
    return 0;


在C中,ave*将转换成任何点类型,因此,你无需得出小区的结果。 如果你确实把 cast子放在一边,它就能够掩盖错误,例如,如果你试图指派给非点人(例如<代码>p[i])。

在花名册上,sizeof(int (*p) [a] 要么使用某种类型,要么使用某种表述,要么使用一种声明。 <代码>p是一系列星体的指点器,因此<代码>*p各项要素的类型为


int main ( void )
    int i, j, n, a, b;

    int ( * ( * p ) [] ) [];

    printf ( "
	Enter the size of the matrix in the form aXb	
" );

    scanf ( "%dX%d", &a, &b );

    p = malloc ( b * sizeof ( int ( * ) [] ) );

    for ( i = 0;i < b;i++ ) {
        ( *p ) [i] = malloc ( a * sizeof ( int ) );
        printf ( "	Enter Column %d	
", i );
        for ( j = 0;j < a;j++ )
            scanf ( "%d", & ( * ( *p ) [i] ) [j] );

    return 0;



Do you know what int (*(*p)[])[] is?
Try cdecl.org ... http://cdecl.ridiculousfish.com/?q=int+%28%2A%28%2Ap%29%5B%5D%29%5B%5D

a. 使用1维阵列,并预设2维阵

  1. declare a 1-dimensional object (pointer, array, whatever)
  2. malloc a rectangular size
  3. compute linear addressing value based on row, column, and column size
  4. use it
  5. free the array


/* Oh ... and use spaces in your code */
/* They are extremely cheap now a days */
#include <assert.h>
/* instead of asserting malloc and scanf, use proper error checking */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
    int i, j, n, rows, cols;
    int *p;                                            /* 1. */

    printf("Enter the size of the matrix in the form aXb
    n = scanf("%dX%d", &rows, &cols);
    assert((n == 2) && ("scanf failed"));
    p = malloc(rows * cols * sizeof *p);               /* 2. */
    assert((p != NULL) && "malloc failed");
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            int rowindex = i * cols;                   /* 3. */
            for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
                    n = scanf("%d", &p[rowindex + j]); /* 3. and 4. */
                    assert((n == 1) && "scanf failed");
    free(p);                                           /* 5. */
    return 0;

You are unnecessarily complicating the problem of accessing array elements using pointers. Try to use a simple pointer-to-pointer p.

int **p;
p=malloc(a*sizeof(int *));   //create one pointer for each row of matrix
p[i]=malloc(b*sizeof(int));  //create b integers in each row of matrix

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