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SharePoint - Set custom publishing page layout custom field programatically

I have a custom publishing page content type, based on the Publishing Article Page content type. On this content type, I have a custom field named "PageContentCategory". In my code to create new pages, I tried this:

PublishingPage newPublishingPage = this.currentPublishingWeb.GetPublishingPages().Add(pageName, newPageSelectedLayout);

if (pageContent.IsEmpty())
 pageContent = Properties.Resources.EAWorldArticleHandler_CreateNewArticlePage_DefaultPageContent;

newPublishingPage.ListItem[new Guid("{93496B35-7EC3-4132-B0D0-3BDC5606F5EF}")] = pageContentCategory;
newPublishingPage.ListItem[FieldId.PublishingPageContent] = pageContent;
newPublishingPage.Title = pageTitle;

I have also tried to set it by the field name:

PublishingPage newPublishingPage = this.currentPublishingWeb.GetPublishingPages().Add(pageName, newPageSelectedLayout);

if (pageContent.IsEmpty())
 pageContent = Properties.Resources.EAWorldArticleHandler_CreateNewArticlePage_DefaultPageContent;

newPublishingPage.ListItem["PageContentCategory"] = pageContentCategory;
newPublishingPage.ListItem[FieldId.PublishingPageContent] = pageContent;
newPublishingPage.Title = pageTitle;

Both of these methods throw an error. Is there any way for me to set my custom field s value in code like this?


So, the solution to my problem was that I had to programmatically add the content type to the pages list instead of letting it be added automatically the first time a page with that content type was added. Apparently if you let SharePoint automatically add the content type to the pages list then it somehow doesn t get bound properly. So adding the content type first solved my problem.


Try calling the Update method on newPublishingPage.Listitem not on newPublishingPage itself. Like this:

newPublishingPage.ListItem["PageContentCategory"] = pageContentCategory;

and then you maybe also need some of these lines, depending in the configuration of your page library


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