English 中文(简体)
Excel Macro:是否能够找到一个工作桌的罗高和哥伦索?
原标题:Excel Macro: is it possible to find Row heights and Column widths of a worksheet?


增 编




Range("A1:A50").Height        height of range
Range("A:Z").Width            width of range
Range("A1:A50").Rows.Count    number or rows in range
Range("A3").Height            height of A3 cell
Range("A3").Width             width of A3 cell

在Excel VBA中,你可以使用这样的东西:




在Excel vba,通过使用浏览器,获得浏览量高的产出是容易的。 高地财产:

Sub outputRowHeight()
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 1 To 50
         Debug.Print Rows(i).Address & " is : " & Rows(i).Height
    Next i

End Sub

在宽度一栏中,我们使用一栏、宽度财产。 这是一个小小小小trick,因为你可以通过字母字母直拨,因此我们需要使用该指数:

Sub outputColumnWidths1()
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 1 To 26  26th letter is Z
            Debug.Print Columns(i).Address & " is : " & Columns(i).Width
    Next i

End Sub


Sub outputColumnWidths2()
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 1 To 99  using 99 as arbitrary high end number
        If Columns(i).Address <> "$AA:$AA" Then
            Debug.Print Columns(i).Address & " is : " & Columns(i).Width
        Else  once we get outside of A-Z, we want to end.
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i

End Sub



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