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C# Reflection How-to?
原标题:C# Reflection How-to?

我对C#中的思考感到困惑,因此,我会把我的具体情况降下来,看到你可以做些什么。 我在这里读到C#的思考问题,但我仍然只是拿不到。




我必须做许多这样的出色指南或实例,才能真正提供帮助。 请让我知道,你是否希望获得更多信息。

I black掉了名称空间的名称,不是因为我做的不是通过任何手段非法的,而是我试图首先在网上销售,这样一米试图小心。


http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system. Collections. Collectionbase.aspx” rel=“noreferer”>CollectionBase支持索引编制,但只有通过明确接口实施,才能写:

IList list = Acct.Orders;
response = list[0];




虽然这无助于你,但它可以帮助他人。 这里是一个简单的反思例子:

using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace TeamActivity
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Dynamically load assembly from the provided DLL file.
            Assembly CustomerAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom( "BasicCalculations.dll" );
            // Get a Type from the Assembly
            Type runtimeType = CustomerAssembly.GetType( "BasicCalcuation.BasicCalc" );
            // Get all methods from the Type.
            MethodInfo[] methods = runtimeType.GetMethods();

            // Loop through all discovered methods.
            foreach ( MethodInfo method in methods )
                Console.WriteLine( "Method name: " + method.Name );
                // Create an array of parameters from this method.
                ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters();
                // Loop through every parameter.
                foreach ( ParameterInfo paramInfo in parameters )
                    Console.WriteLine( "	Paramter name: " + paramInfo.Name );
                    Console.WriteLine( "	Paramter type: " + paramInfo.ParameterType );
                Console.WriteLine( "	Method return parameter: " + method.ReturnParameter );
                Console.WriteLine( "	Method return type: " + method.ReturnType );
            // Invoke the Type that we got from the DLL.
            object Tobj = Activator.CreateInstance( runtimeType );
            // Create an array of numbers to pass to a method from that invokation.
            object[] inNums = new object[] { 2, 4 };
            // Invoke the  Add  method from that Type invokation and store the return value.
            int outNum = (int)runtimeType.InvokeMember( "Add", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, Tobj, inNums );
            // Display the return value.
            Console.WriteLine( "Output from  Add : " + outNum );

            Console.WriteLine( "
Press any key to exit." );

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