English 中文(简体)
1. 精确度为Ruby 数学业务的问题
原标题:Issue with precision of Ruby math operations


p RUBY_VERSION # => "1.9.1"
p 0.1%1 # => 0.1
p 1.1%1 # => 0.1
p 90.0%1 # => 0.0
p 90.1%1 # => 0.0999999999999943
p 900.1%1 # => 0.100000000000023

p RUBY_VERSION # => "1.9.2"
p 0.1%1 # => 0.1
p 1.1%1 # => 0.10000000000000009
p 90.0%1 # => 0.0
p 90.1%1 # => 0.09999999999999432
p 900.1%1 # => 0.10000000000002274

Big Decimal

As the man said;


I have however had great success using the BigDecimal class. To quote its intro

鲁比对武断的精度算术提供内在支持。 例如:

42**13 -> 1265437718438866624512


Taking one of your examples;

>> x = BigDecimal.new( 900.1 )
=> #<BigDecimal:101113be8, 0.9001E3 ,8(8)>
>> x % 1
=> #<BigDecimal:10110b498, 0.1E0 ,4(16)>
>> y = x % 1
=> #<BigDecimal:101104760, 0.1E0 ,4(16)>
>> y.to_s
=> "0.1E0"
>> y.to_f
=> 0.1

As you can see, ensuring decent precision is possible but it requires a little bit of effort.


所有电脑语言都是如此,而不仅仅是鲁克语。 它是在双轨计算机上显示浮动点数的一个特征:

rel=“nofollow noreferer”> 每个计算机科学家应了解Arithmetic

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