I m a VB guy learning C#.I. See also hanging the hang of it but I ve got a both questions regarding somecode Im written.
Irowindex = sF1411BindingSource.Find(sF1411DataSet.SF1411.Columns(groupBox4.Tag.ToString).ToString, textBox1.Text);
if (Irowindex == -1)
Error 1 System.Data.DataTable. 颜色是一种财产,但使用的方法是C:11180_APPLATION11180_APPLICATIONEdit.cs 186 71 11180_APPLATION
我的另一个问题是,在VB I使用Taks,但在C#中,它似乎与他们一样:
//Set the find label to display the new find column
groupBox4.Text = "Find - " + sender.Tag.ToString + ":";
//Store the sort column name in lblFind s Tag property
groupBox4.Tag = sender.Tag.ToString;
第4项目标没有包含Tag C:11180_APPLATION11180_APPLICATIONEdit.cs 211 36 11180_APPLATION