English 中文(简体)
原标题:Launching a Child Process and the windows 7 taskbar

我们有使用劳埃特人进行自我更新的申请。 从服务器上下载新应用书和数字电子数据,然后单独进行。


Problem is in Windows 7, if the user pins the Launcher.exe to the task bar (by right-clicking the shortcut to Launcher.exe) then this happens... When you start the program the "pinned" taskbar icon momentarily gets focus while the launcher is running but then a totally separate new icon appears when App.exe is running. If the user then decides to right click the icon from the running App.exe and pin that to the taskbar, they bypass the application update part of the process.

Things we ve tried to far... We have looked into making the Launcher.exe load the App.exe assembly and run it inside the Launcher.exe process but this has a few other issues… Launcher.exe is .NET 2 I don’t think it will be able to load a .NET 4 set of assemblies when in the future we upgrade the App.exe to .net 4 or .net 5 etc…

我们目前正在利用应用User ModelIDs来调查这一问题,但这对我们来说是一个新领域。

任何想法? ......所有感激之情都得到赔偿。


ApplicationUserModel 身份证是我们最终使用的,简单的解决办法是真实的,运作良好。


Squirrel。 视窗有一些关于如何执行的信息:https://github.com/Squirrel/Squirrelewor/pull/247

我没有发现C#的任何良好资源,发现的唯一样本是C/C++和Squirrel。 3个电话中只有1个在C#中执行。

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