English 中文(简体)
B. 重新启动活动
原标题:mouse events reset

我随机地描述了我想要在180o年以备忘录SE-监督活动轮流担任这一职务的情况。 我的另一个职能是,把照片归还——180o与“谅解备忘录”活动。 问题是,在备忘录SE-概述活动仍然活跃时,备忘录----外联活动即引发。


sClock.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, Frwrd);
sClock.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, Bck);

function Frwrd(event:MouseEvent):void
function Bck(event:MouseEvent):void



sClock.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, Frwrd);
sClock.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, Bck);

function Frwrd(event:MouseEvent):void
function Bck(event:MouseEvent):void

Start with adding a MouseOver listener . When you mouse over an object, the Tween starts , I would consider removing the MouseOver listener at that point, let the rotation complete then add your MouseOut listener. Same logic with the MouseOut, as soon as the MouseOut is triggered, remove the listener and when the Tween is complete, add the MouseOver.

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