English 中文(简体)
MPI: 书面声明未在适当时间执行
原标题:MPI: Printf Statement is not executed at the right time


#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int rank, size;
int buf;
int err;
MPI_Status status;

err = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
if(err == MPI_SUCCESS) {
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

if(rank == 0) {
printf("Buffer size is less than 10
printf("进入缓冲地带: ");
scanf("%d", &buf);
MPI_Send(&buf, 1, MPI_INT, 1, 10,
else {
MPI_Recv(&buf, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 10,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
printf("process[%d]: buffer size : %d
", rank,buf);

err = MPI_Finalize();
return 0;


[veda@home-pc hpc]$ mpicc test.c
[veda@home-pc hpc]$ mpiexec -np 2 a.out
Buffer size is less than 10
进入缓冲地带: process[0]: buffer size : 3
process[1]: buffer size : 3






I suspect your standard output is line-buffered. The "Enter the buffer size: " is not printed until "process[%d]: buffer size : %d " (containing a newline) is printed. The solution is to explicitly flush the standard output between the printf and the scanf:

printf("Enter the buffer size: ");
scanf("%d", &buf);


puts("Enter the buffer size:");

If you are using Eclipse for parallel programming, then (most probably) that is what causes the issue.
It is some kind of glitch in PTP. You can also experience this with printf, it only prints after your program has finished execution or was shut down (not while the program is running).
Then try running your code from the command line, it will work.

Else (If it still gets hanged or gives weird behaviour) then try calling
fflush(stdout) or while ((c = getchar()) != && c != EOF);
to flush everything before reading user input.


printf("Buffer size is less than 10
printf("Enter the buffer size: ");

我指的是你怀疑它会做些什么? 查阅:if(rank=0),看我的含义。 事实上,你甚至没有使用你使用10 %的人。


if(rank == 0) {
   printf("Enter the buffer size: ");
   scanf("%d", &buf);
   printf("Buffer size is less than %d
", buf);

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