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原标题:Determing if stored procedure can execute based on AD login


要由存储过程更新的每个记录都有一个名为“UserID”的字段,该字段定义了谁可以控制该记录。我还有一个映射表,它将active directory登录映射到UserID s。

我正在使用Active Directory,以便SQL Server知道谁正在尝试执行存储过程。在存储过程中是否有方法在另一个表中查找用户的active directory登录名,然后确定他们是否有权访问试图更新的记录?




这篇文章有用吗在SQL Server中授予行级权限


  • Create the table, adding an additional column to store the name.
  • Create a view that has a WHERE clause based on the user name column. This will restrict the rows returned to those with the specified value. Use one of the built-in functions to specify a database user or login name. This eliminates the need to create different views for different users.
  • Create stored procedures to select, insert, update, and delete data based on the view, not the base tables. The view provides a filter that restricts the rows returned or modified.
  • For stored procedures that insert data, capture the user name using the same function specified in the WHERE clause of the view and insert that value into the UserName column.
  • Deny all permissions on the tables and views to the public role. Users will not be able to inherit permissions from other database roles, because the WHERE clause is based on user or login names, not on roles.
  • Grant EXECUTE on the stored procedures to database roles. Users can only access data through the stored procedures provided.


也就是说,您可以发出以下查询来获取当前执行存储过程的用户的Windows AD登录名。您可以使用此信息与映射表进行交叉引用,以确定AD帐户是否具有执行该操作所需的权限。





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