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Delphi TAdoQuery-多个插入?
原标题:Delphi TAdoQuery - Multiple Inserts?
  • 时间:2010-10-16 04:44:14
  •  标签:
  • delphi

Delphi TAdoQuery是否可以一次执行多个插入,或者必须单独执行每个语句?我想做的是:

AdoQuery.SQL.Add( INSERT INTO user VALUES (1, "User 1"); );
AdoQuery.SQL.Add( INSERT INTO user VALUES (2, "User 2"); );
AdoQuery.SQL.Add( INSERT INTO user VALUES (3, "User 3"); );





INSERT INTO user VALUES (1, "User 1"), (2, "User 2"), (3, "User 3")


AdoQuery.SQL.Text :=  INSERT INTO user VALUES (:p11, :p12), (:p21, :p22), (:p31, :p32) ;
AdoQuery.Parameters[0].Value := 1;
AdoQuery.Parameters[1].Value :=  User 1 ;
AdoQuery.Parameters[2].Value := 2;
AdoQuery.Parameters[3].Value :=  User 2 ;
AdoQuery.Parameters[4].Value := 3;
AdoQuery.Parameters[5].Value :=  User 3 ;


sSql :=  INSERT INTO User (FieldName1, FieldName2) values (:Nr, :Strng) ;
AdoCmd.CommandText := sSql;
AdoCmd.CommandType := cmdText;
AdoCmd.Parameters.ParseSQL( sSql, True );
AdoCmd.Parameters.ParamByName( Nr ).DataType := ftInteger
AdoCmd.Parameters.ParamByName( Strng ).DataType := ftString;

for i := 1 to 10 do
    AdoCmd.Parameters.ParamByName( Nr ).Value := i;
    AdoCmd.Parameters.ParamByName( Strng ).Value := sUserName(i);




Proper use of transactions will also speed up your inserts. If each statement needs to be committed, it will take longer to be executed. If you can execute everything within a single transaction and just commit at the end it will be faster. Don t know MySQL, but some databases also support "array DML", where a single SQL statement is sent to the DB together array of parameters and thereby execute multiple times but with a single communication roundtrip.

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