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有人在免费托管0fees.net上试用过Twitter OAuth吗?
原标题:Is there anyone tried Twitter OAuth on free hosting 0fees.net?
  • 时间:2010-10-17 15:09:47
  •  标签:
  • twitter

我是Twitter OAuth API的新手。



Fatal error: Uncaught exception  EpiOAuthException  in /home/vol3/0fees.net/fees0_6530770/htdocs/Twi/EpiOAuth.php:313 Stack trace: #0 /home/vol3/0fees.net/fees0_6530770/htdocs/Twi/EpiOAuth.php(290): EpiOAuthException::raise(NULL, NULL) #1 /home/vol3/0fees.net/fees0_6530770/htdocs/Twi/EpiOAuth.php(33): EpiOAuthResponse->__get( oauth_token ) #2 /home/vol3/0fees.net/fees0_6530770/htdocs/Twi/sign-in.php(15): EpiOAuth->getAuthenticateUrl() #3 {main} thrown in /home/vol3/0fees.net/fees0_6530770/htdocs/Twi/EpiOAuth.php on line 313


但同样的代码也适用于我的localhost,令牌被正确检索,来自Twitter的AuthencationURL也可以……但我无法将localhost URL作为回调。。


Thanks & Regards. Larry.





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