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How to disable fips in asp .net
  • 时间:2010-10-22 11:46:07
  •  标签:
  • asp.net
  • fips

I want to disalbe fips in asp .net x64 application. In web.config I added

    <enforceFIPSPolicy enabled = "false">

I set debug to false.

However my application do not work. Should I declare runtime section in < configSections > ? If yes then is it a proper line

<section name="runtime" type="System.Configuration.IgnoreSection, System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" allowLocation="false"/>

Solution only works for IIS >= 7.5

It doesn t look like IIS allows you to manipulate this setting through a web application s web.config. One work-around is to create a dedicated App Pool (or multiple), and configure the App Pool s CLR with FIPS enforcement disabled. IIS 7.5 introduced a CLRConfigFile property that you can use to specify an App Pool s .NET configuration file. This gives us more granular control over which applications the configuration impacts - instead of the shotgun approach where we disable it in machine.config or the group policy setting.

1.Create a configuration file, c:inetpubAppPoolClrConfig oFipsWeb.config, with the following content (the location and name of the file is immaterial):

        <enforceFIPSPolicy enabled = "false" />

2.Grant read permissions on the file to the identity under which the App Pool runs:

icacls c:inetpubAppPoolClrConfig
oFipsWeb.config /grant "IIS APPPOOLYourAppPoolName":(R)

3.Configure the App Pool to load this config file by setting the pool s CLRConfigFile property:


%windir%System32inetsrvappcmd.exe set config  -section:system.applicationHost/applicationPools /[name= {AppPoolName} ].CLRConfigFile:"{FilePath}"  /commit:apphost


%windir%System32inetsrvappcmd.exe set config  -section:system.applicationHost/applicationPools /[name= YourAppPoolName ].CLRConfigFile:"c:inetpubAppPoolClrConfig
oFipsWeb.config"  /commit:apphost

Due to a bug in IIS 7.5, we need to also clear the managedRuntimeLoader property or else the CLRConfigFile will be ignored:

%windir%System32inetsrvappcmd.exe set config  -section:system.applicationHost/applicationPools /[name= YourAppPoolName ].managedRuntimeLoader:""  /commit:apphost

4.Restart IIS. Your Asp.NET applications that are using the App Pool above should now be ignoring FIPS.

Credits to:

Scott Forsyth for explaining how to configure an app pool to use a different CLR file than the standard aspnet.config file.

Jose Reyes for documenting the bug in IIS 7.5 that ignored the CLRConfigFile Property

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