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asp.net consecutive are backslashes removed from url

I m having an issue in my ASP.NET web app where intentionally consecutive backslashes are being removed from the request url.

I ll request something like: localhost/Page/A//C

But when the request hits the page, the raw url is: localhost/Page/A/C

Not sure if this is the culprit, but I do have a Url Rewite regex in place, here s the rule:

                <rule name="Games QueryString">
                  <match url="^(Page|OtherPage).aspx(?:/([w-_()]+)(?:/([w-_() ]*)(?:/([w-_()]+))?)?)?$" />
                  <action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}.aspx?1={R:2}&amp;2={R:3}&amp;3={R:4}" appendQueryString="false" />

So, after the rewrite, the querystring is coming out as Page.aspx?1=A&2=C&3= When it should be Page.aspx?1=A&2=&3=C

Help please!!


You could probably change your regex to something like this:

^(Page|OtherPage).aspx(?:/+([w-_()]+)(?:/+([w-_() ]*)(?:/+([w-_()]+))?)?)?$

I have added a "+" after your matches to "/", which changes them from accepting a single "/" to accepting one or more.

Also, I cannot work out for the life of my why you d want to have extra slashes in there. Probably a bad idea. Reconsider doing that for any reason.

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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