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原标题:How do you do string interpolation with a URL that contains formatting characters?
  • 时间:2010-10-28 16:02:27
  •  标签:
  • python

I m试图利用URLIB2打开URL,并将内容重新插入一个阵列。 问题似乎在于,你不能使用聚氯乙烯进行扼杀,这种电离层特性包括:对空间的20%;对地的%3C; 。 危房的面积和面积为xml。

My code is pretty simple, looks something like this:

#Python script to fetch NS Client Policies using GUID

import sys
import urllib2

def GetPolicies(ns, guid):
    ns = sys.argv[1]
    guid = sys.argv[2]
    fetch = urllib2.urlopen( http://%s/Altiris/NS/Agent/GetClientPolicies.aspx?xml=%3Crequest%20configVersion=%222%22%20guid=%22{%s}%22 ) % (ns, guid)

我已经缩短了卢爱阵的简短性,但大家一般认为,由于你假设你再次想要使用 %3、200和其他东西作为扼杀性争辩,你就没有就显示错误的格式提出充分的理由。 你们如何这样做?

Edit: Solution requires Python 2.6+, 2.5 or prior has no support for the string.format() method


页: 1

url =  http://%s/Altiris/NS/Agent/GetClientPolicies.aspx?xml=%%3Crequest%%20configVersion=%%222%%22%%20guid=%%22{%s}%%22  % (ns, guid)


url =  http://{hostname}/Altiris/NS/Agent/GetClientPolicies.aspx?xml=%3Crequest%20configVersion=%222%22%20guid=%22{id}%%2  .format(hostname=ns, id=guid)

使用<代码>.format 方法替代插图。 文件:

str.format(*args, **kwargs) 
Perform a string formatting operation. The string on which this method is called can contain literal text or replacement fields delimited by braces {}. Each replacement field contains either the numeric index of a positional argument, or the name of a keyword argument. Returns a copy of the string where each replacement field is replaced with the string value of the corresponding argument.

>>> "The sum of 1 + 2 is {0}".format(1+2)
 The sum of 1 + 2 is 3 


在步骤中建设你的力量,使每个层次都分开。 远比试图应对紧急情况的多层次因素,更能够管理。

xml=  <request configVersion="2" guid="{%s}"/>  % cgi.escape(guid, True)
query=  xml=%s  % urllib2.quote(xml)
url=  http://%s/Altiris/NS/Agent/GetClientPolicies.aspx?%s  % (ns, query)
fetch= urllib2.urlopen(url)

If you re trying to build the url yourself use urllib.urlencode. It will deal with a lot of the quoting issues for you. Just pass it a dict of the info you want:

from urllib import urlencode

args = urlencode({ xml :  < ,
            request configVersion :  bar ,
                guid :  zomg })

至于替换你在座右铭的座标,就象其他人所说的话一样,也使用百分比的格式。 最终扼杀可能像:

print  http://%s/Altiris/NS/Agent/GetClientPolicies.aspx?%s  % ( foobar.com , args)

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