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原标题:Why does running avahi-browse within a docker container returns (NULL) network interfaces?

I m 试图从Docker集装箱内发现mDNS并使用该集装箱进行操作

sudo docker run --privileged -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus -v /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket:/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket -d -p 5001:5001 my_application

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30646943/how-to-avahi-browse- from-a-docker-container”>post/a。


root@38ca93e44ce1:/etc/avahi# avahi-browse -a
+ (null) IPv4 amzn.dmgr:2A9009CCFEAFDF82846897DD0D687295:xnVDMM+4u1:767308 Amazon Fire TV       local
+ (null) IPv6 Canon MG7700 series                           _uscan._tcp          local
+ (null) IPv4 Canon MG7700 series                           _uscan._tcp          local
+ (null) IPv6 Canon MG7700 series                           Secure Internet Printer local
+ (null) IPv4 Canon MG7700 series                           Secure Internet Printer local
+ (null) IPv6 Canon MG7700 series                           _scanner._tcp        local
+ (null) IPv4 Canon MG7700 series                           _scanner._tcp        local
+ (null) IPv6 Canon MG7700 series                           Internet Printer     local
+ (null) IPv4 Canon MG7700 series                           Internet Printer     local
+ (null) IPv6 Canon MG7700 series                           UNIX Printer         local
+ (null) IPv4 Canon MG7700 series                           UNIX Printer         local
+ (null) IPv4 Canon MG7700 series                           Web Site             local
+ (null) IPv4 Canon MG7700 series                           _canon-bjnp1._tcp    local
+ (null) IPv4 Canon MG7700 series                           _privet._tcp         local
+ (null) IPv6 Canon MG7700 series                           Web Site             local
+ (null) IPv6 Canon MG7700 series                           _canon-bjnp1._tcp    local
+ (null) IPv6 Canon MG7700 series                           _privet._tcp         local

I m 奇怪的是,网络接口栏为何显示(null)以及是否有办法显示适当的接口(wlan0, eth0, 等)。




至少在我的测试中,运行一个<代码>-privileged。 这两种情况似乎都需要集装箱。

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