English 中文(简体)
如何在复制/纸浆中使用由 cur产生的变数
原标题:How to use a variable from a cursor in the select statement of another cursor in pl/sql
  • 时间:2010-11-01 21:00:14
  •  标签:
  • oracle
  • plsql


I have 40 users in my db. All the users have the same db schema structure. I want to get the username via :

SELECT  distinct username 
   from all_users 


Select lastname, firstname, email, email2 from username.member.


I have tried many different pl/sql combinations:

   CURSOR client_cur IS
   SELECT  distinct username 
   from all_users 
   where length(username) = 3;
   -- client cursor 
   CURSOR emails_cur (cli all_users.username%TYPE) IS
   SELECT id, name 
     FROM cli.org;
   FOR client IN client_cur LOOP
      dbms_output.put_line( Client is  || client.username);
      FOR email_rec in client_cur(client.username) LOOP
         dbms_output.put_line( Org id is   ||email_rec.id ||   org nam   || email_rec.name);
      END LOOP;


    SELECT  distinct username from all_users where length(username) = 3;
    client c1%rowtype;
   cursor c2 is Select id, name, allow_digest_flg from c1.username.org;
 digest c2%rowtype;
-- declare record variable that represents a row fetched from the employees table
--   employee_rec c1%ROWTYPE; 
-- open the explicit cursor 以及use it to fetch data into employee_rec
    OPEN c1;
     FETCH c1 INTO client; 
   open c2; 
    fetch c2 into digest;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( digest is :   || c2.id ||   以及name is   || c2.name ||   flg is   || c2.allow_digest_flg );
   end loop;
  end loop;


Can someone help me. THANKS



    TYPE cur_type IS REF CURSOR;

    CURSOR client_cur IS
        SELECT DISTING username
        FROM all_users
        WHERE length(username) = 3;

    emails_cur cur_type;
    l_cur_string VARCHAR2(128);
    l_email_id <type>;
    l_name <type>;
    FOR client IN client_cur LOOP
        dbms_output.put_line( Client is  || client.username);
        l_cur_string :=  SELECT id, name FROM  
            || client.username ||  .org ;
        OPEN emails_cur FOR l_cur_string;
            FETCH emails_cur INTO l_email_id, l_name;
            EXIT WHEN emails_cur%NOTFOUND;
            dbms_output.put_line( Org id is   || l_email_id
                ||   org name   || l_name);
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE emails_cur;

Edited to correct two errors, and to add links to 10g documentation for OPEN-FOR and an example. Edited to make the inner cursor query a string variable.



SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  begin
  2    for d in (select * from dept)
  3    loop
  4      for e in (select * from emp where deptno=d.deptno)
  5      loop
  6        dbms_output.put_line(  Employee   || e.ename ||
  7                                in department   || d.dname );
  8      end loop;
  9    end loop;
 10* end;
SQL> /
Employee CLARK in department ACCOUNTING
Employee KING in department ACCOUNTING
Employee MILLER in department ACCOUNTING
Employee smith in department RESEARCH
Employee JONES in department RESEARCH
Employee SCOTT in department RESEARCH
Employee ADAMS in department RESEARCH
Employee FORD in department RESEARCH
Employee ALLEN in department SALES
Employee WARD in department SALES
Employee MARTIN in department SALES
Employee BLAKE in department SALES
Employee TURNER in department SALES
Employee JAMES in department SALES

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

或者使用直截了当的 cur具。

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  declare
  2    cursor dept_cur
  3        is select *
  4             from dept;
  5    d dept_cur%rowtype;
  6    cursor emp_cur( p_deptno IN dept.deptno%type )
  7        is select *
  8             from emp
  9            where deptno = p_deptno;
 10    e emp_cur%rowtype;
 11  begin
 12    open dept_cur;
 13    loop
 14      fetch dept_cur into d;
 15      exit when dept_cur%notfound;
 16      open emp_cur( d.deptno );
 17      loop
 18        fetch emp_cur into e;
 19        exit when emp_cur%notfound;
 20        dbms_output.put_line(  Employee   || e.ename ||
 21                                in department   || d.dname );
 22      end loop;
 23      close emp_cur;
 24    end loop;
 25    close dept_cur;
 26* end;
 27  /
Employee CLARK in department ACCOUNTING
Employee KING in department ACCOUNTING
Employee MILLER in department ACCOUNTING
Employee smith in department RESEARCH
Employee JONES in department RESEARCH
Employee SCOTT in department RESEARCH
Employee ADAMS in department RESEARCH
Employee FORD in department RESEARCH
Employee ALLEN in department SALES
Employee WARD in department SALES
Employee MARTIN in department SALES
Employee BLAKE in department SALES
Employee TURNER in department SALES
Employee JAMES in department SALES

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

然而,如果你发现自己利用nes虫药管,让数据库与你的两个结果合并几乎总是更有效率。 毕竟,关系数据库在加入方面确实是好的。 我在这里猜想一下您的表象,以及这些表格如何根据你所写的法典,而是根据行文措词。

            FROM all_users,
           WHERE length(all_users.username) = 3
             AND all_users.username = org.username )
  <<do something>>

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