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Trying to get the Widget Layer Rule Provider in Orchard to work with a wildcard

I am working with Orchard CMS v0.8 and am trying to set the layer rule for a particular layer in a website. This can be done by looking at the "Orchard_Widgets_LayerPartRecord" table in the database.

There is a field whereby you can specify what they layer rule is which is great. However I am having a little trouble with getting it to match on a wildcard.

For example: I would want a layer rule to be url "~/admin/*" so that all pages that matched this url would have the layer.

I checked the underlying code and it appears that it should match however it does not. Anyone have any ideas?

I have had a look at this blog article which is great but it doesn t help in this situation. Bertrand Le Roy s blog.

Thanks in advance.


One of the developers replied with: This bug has been fixed in the developer branch and will be available in the next release.




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