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原标题:C++: tools to statically analyze code (and/or preprocess it) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.

我常常可以使用一些工具静态分析我的守则,以帮助我使其更清洁。 有时像汇编者警告,但还不够。 现在,我梦想撰写一份书(使用部族图书馆或乐施会),但我猜测,会做太多的工作。


  1. 寻找神学院的数字(即硬编码常数不同于0)。

  2. 检查三条规则始终得到遵守(每个班级都必须界定所有司机、复印机和派任操作员,或其中无一人)。


  1. 扩大模板,以便我能够在C++中找到(现在,不再需要C++0x)

  2. 在档案结尾处转站职能,以便我不必遵守申报前的规则,并且能够像在 Java那样写班级。

  3. 提供一幅长.,如支持海关操作员(在职能电话中将扩大),或一些临时代号/关键词,以便于实施某些模式。




cppcheck is just wonderful.



关于定点,我们。 SD 来源法搜索引擎(SCSE)可在大陆架外进行。 高等专业资格考试委员会提供全球调查接口,以检索大量混合编程式的地毯,使用准确理解每种语文的体格语。


 for  ... I=index*  =  N<10

will find for keywords near an Identifier whose name must start with the sequence index followed immediately by an = operator followed by a Number whose value is less than 10. Because SCSE understands the language structure, it isn t bothered by whitespace or formatting constraints. It will also match hexadecimal values for N; it understands the different format for literals and offers queries in terms of the actual value of the number, rather than as a string.




What you really want are all constants that aren t defined in some kind of constant definition. So you want to remove any constant-definitions from the hit list, which is accomplished by using the "query subtract" operator:

N>0 -   const   int  I  =  N


Your other dreams require a much more sophisticated engine. In essence, you want to analyze C++ code (your rule of three) or extend the C++ language with some new features, and then implement those features using standard C++ capabilities. You can accomplish this using a program transformation system that can manipulate C++.

http://www.semantic Designs.com/Products/DMS/DMSToolkit.html DMS 软件再设计能够做到这一点。 它拥有一个完整的 rel=“nofollow”>C++ front end,规定C++为内部汇编数据结构,并编制完整的编号表(并可重新编制C++来源代码,并附上其内部结构的所有细节)。 借助这一前端和基于配对模式的联几支助处,你可以进行三驾.。

在语言推广方面,你可以修改地图,把你认为理想的外围建筑包括在内,从而修改数字管理系统C++前端。 然后,你可以写出计划转变,看着这种结构,并将它们转化为理想的法典。 (这一想法被称作intentional program,由Charles SimyoniMS of fame,但只是方案转变的一个特殊案例。)

DMS has been used to carry out massive automated transformations on real C++ applications. It could do your task fairly easily from a technical point of view. However, understanding the definition of C++ and how everything fits together, and how DMS supports transformations, requires considerable compiler-style sophistication. What you suggest to do isn t an afternoon or a week s worth of work. It would take a significant investment in education and effort. But a lot less than trying to do with starting with just YACC.

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