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原标题:How to install python2.5.5 in Ubuntu10.10 with all libs bundled

I want to install python2.5.5 in Ubuntu10.10, since Ubuntu10.10 now just supports python>=2.6, so I download source file from python website and try to install it use ./configure && make && sudo make install, it seems that python2.5.5 has been installed successfully, but when I want to use it, sometimes it says "no module named ...", but it should be bundled, I have used it in my Win7, so I wonder whether I can install all the libs.



Don t 知道你没有哪座图书馆,但你可能能够用简便的方式安装:

你们必须把Python2.5作为缺省,在PATH的Python2.6前置身。 请注意,这必须放在诉讼一级,因为你需要<代码>,容易——install/。 也就是说,sudo python>,在你试图安装便捷灯之前,应操作2.5。 这是一种微不足道的幻觉,但在此之后,你应当一切顺利运作。




您可以尝试运行<条码>即速成植被建设-dep python python-dev,并再次建造(可能还需要增加其他包裹)。

thumb 规则是,如果Khures抱怨没有Sqlite3模块,那么你需要安装校准器,然后重建。


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