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原标题:Obtaining a specific document ID from sharepoint using web services in c#

I have an external sharepoint site, where I need to update the metadata of a large set of files. The best way to do this seems to be using the Lists web service, and using the Lists.UpdateListItems method. However, this method requires the ID of the document on the server, information I don t have. I do have the filepath/filename of the document.



If you need to go with the web service, you will probably have to go with SPQueries (CAML) to get the items you want.

The Lists.asmx web service ( place under http://site Collection/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx) has a function打,该功能是作为Qery的一部分。


XmlDocument camlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode queryNode = camlDocument.CreateElement("Query");
queryNode.InnerXml = "<Where>"
+ "<Eq><FieldRef Name= FileName  /><Value Type= Text >{Your Filename Here}</Value></Eq>"
+ "</Where>";

XmlNode viewFieldsNode = camlDocument.CreateElement("ViewFields");
viewFieldsNode.InnerXml = "<FieldRef Name= ID  />";

XmlNode queryOptionsNode = camlDocument.CreateElement("QueryOptions");

resultNode = _sharepointSite.ListsWS.GetListItems(listName, viewName,
queryNode, viewFieldsNode, rowLimit, queryOptionsNode, webID);


页: 1

这一观点是你想询问的(如果你想询问所有情况,你就会有这样的观点。 我通常依靠隐蔽的观点来确保用户不会改变这些观点。

罗尔特只是一个 in。


你们将回头的XML不是直线的,需要特别关注。 更多信息


XmlNode queryOptionsNode = camlDocument.CreateElement("QueryOptions");
queryOptionsNode.InnerXml = "<ViewAttributes Scope="Recursive" />";




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