English 中文(简体)
原标题:Multiple frames in Tkinter while using Python

然而,我一直试图获得一个简单的全球倡议工作,接受使用Tkinter模块所包含的一种进入形式进行扼杀,并且视其所在的集装箱而定,要么使用“技能+扼杀”或通过终端“开放+扼杀”。 下面是我使用的法典。 问题符合第8条,上述评论更详细解释了错误。

from tkinter import *
import os
root = Tk()
def buttonPressed():
    # this is the problem in the program.
    # it keeps returning [  ] in the print statement and doesn t quit
    # any applications
    listOfApps = form1.form.get().split( , )
    # the print is just so i can see the output
    # goes through each item in list and kills them(yes i know there are much easier
    # ways to do this, i m just trying to learn a bit about GUI and the os module
    for i in listOfApps:
            os.system("killall " + i)
def buttonPressed2():
    filesToOpen = form2.form.get().split( ,  )
    for i in filesToOpen:
            os.system("open " + i)
class form_and_submit:
    def _init_(self):
    #creates an instance of a form with seperate variables for button text, buton command, and color of the frame
    def create_container(self, buttonText, buttonCommand, color):
        #Creating all widgets/containers
        self.container = Frame(root)
        self.form = Entry(self.container)
        self.button = Button(self.container)
        #defining variables for all widgets/containers
        root[ background ] = color
        self.container[ background ] = color
        self.button[ text ] = buttonText
        self.button[ command ] = buttonCommand
        self.form[ background ] = color
        self.form[ border ] =  5 
        self.form[ highlightthickness ] =  0 
        #Packing all widgets/containers
#creating forms and putting them in root with desire attributes
form1 = form_and_submit
form2 = form_and_submit
form1.create_container(form1,  kill matching processes , buttonPressed,  red )
form2.create_container(form2,  Open desired files , buttonPressed2,  blue )
#starts up window

我认为,这里的问题属于多个范畴,因为这个问题在作为阶级形式的例子——和——提交之前做了罚款。 事先感谢你帮助解决这一问题的任何人。


这或许不是你所寻求的答案,但我可以通过摆脱这一阶层来这样做。 在这方面,我已经:

from tkinter import *
import os
root = Tk()

def buttonPressed():
    # this is the problem in the program.
    # it keeps returning [  ] in the print statement and doesn t quit
    # any applications
    listOfApps = form.get().split( , )
    # the print is just so i can see the output
    # goes through each item in list and kills them(yes i know there are much easier
    # ways to do this, i m just trying to learn a bit about GUI and the os module
    for i in listOfApps:
            os.system("killall " + i)
def buttonPressed2():
    filesToOpen = form2.get().split( ,  )
    for i in filesToOpen:
            os.system("open " + i)

container = Frame(root)
form = Entry(container)
button = Button(container)
root[ background ] =  red 
container[ background ] =  red 
button[ text ] =  kill matching processes 
button[ command ] = buttonPressed
form[ background ] =  red 
form[ border ] =  5 
form[ highlightthickness ] =  0 

container2 = Frame(root)
form2 = Entry(container2)
button2 = Button(container2)
root[ background ] =  blue 
container2[ background ] =  blue 
button2[ text ] =  Open desired files 
button2[ command ] = buttonPressed2
form2[ background ] =  blue 
form2[ border ] =  5 
form2[ highlightthickness ] =  0 



#starts up window

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