I m new to mdx and have been trying to solve the following problem for about a day now. Any help would be appreciated:
My Query:
select {[Measures].[Kunden]} ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY Hierarchize(Union({CurrentDateMember([dimZeit], "[dimZeit]
.[yyyy]"), CurrentDateMember([dimZeit], "[dimZeit].[yyyy]").Children},
CurrentDateMember([dimZeit], "[dimZeit].[yyyy].[q]").Children))) ON ROWS
FROM Center
which gives the following result, as expected:
Zeit Kunden
2010 1561
- Q1 523
- Q2 470
- Q3 256
- Q4 312
- Nov. 312
Now, what I want to achieve is to split the column Kunden into columns Kunden < 5 min and Kunden > 5min which means customers who have waited for less or more than 5 minutes.
The closest I could get was the following:
MEMBER [Measures].[LT5] AS
Filter([Measures].[Kunden], [Measures].[Wartezeit] < 3000))
select {[Measures].[LT5]} ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY Hierarchize(Union({CurrentDateMember([dimZeit], "[dimZeit].[yyyy]"),
CurrentDateMember([dimZeit], "[dimZeit].[yyyy]").Children},
CurrentDateMember([dimZeit], "[dimZeit].[yyyy].[q]").Children)) ON ROWS
FROM Center
The result is:
Zeit Kunden
2010 -
- Q1 75
- Q2 23
- Q3 86
- Q4 71
- Nov. 71
I understand the cause for this is, because the aggregated [Measure].[Wartezeit] for the whole year 2010 is above 3000 seconds. But I d like to see the amount of customers with a waiting time below 3000 seconds, so it should be 75+23+86+71 = 255 for 2010.