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原标题:Linux: Screen desktop video capture over network, and VNC framerate

- 交通部:

  • What is the framerate of VNC connection (in frames/sec) - or rather, who determines it: client or server?
  • Any other suggestions for desktop screen capture - but "correctly timecoded"/ with unjittered framerate (with a stable period); and with possibility to obtain it as uncompressed (or lossless) image sequence?

Briefly - I have a typical problem that I am faced with: I sometimes develop hardware, and want to record a video that shows both commands entered on the PC ( desktop capture ), and responses of the hardware ( live video ). A chunk of an intro follows, before I get to the specific detail(s).  


现在,我的战略是使用视频摄像机记录硬件测试过程(作为直播录像),同时进行桌面记录。 录像摄影机制作了29.97(30)FPS MPEG-2 .AVI录像;我希望将桌面录制作为全国国民党的图像序列,其速度与录像相同。 那么,设想是:如果两个视频的基数率相同;那么我只能简单地讲几句。

  • align the time of start of the desktop capture, with the matching point in the live video
  • Set up a picture-in-picture, where a scaled down version of the desktop capture is put - as overlay - on top of the live video
    • (where a portion of the screen on the live video, serves as a visual sync source with the desktop capture overlay)
  • Export a final combined video, compressed appropriately for the Internet


Eventually, what I also want to achieve, is to preserve maximum quality when exporting the final video: the live video is already compressed when out of the camera, which means additional degradation when it passes through the Theora .ogv codec - which is why I d like to keep the original videos, and use something like a command line to generate a final video anew, if a different compression/resolution is required. This is also why I like to have the desktop capture video as a PNG sequence (although I guess any uncompressed format would do): I take measures to adjust the desktop, so there aren t many gradients, and lossless encoding (i.e. PNG) would be appropriate.  

Desktop capture options

Well, there are many troubles in this process under Ubuntu Lucid, which I currently use (and you can read about some of my ordeals in 10.04: Video overlay/composite editing with Theora ogv - Ubuntu Forums). However, one of the crucial problems is the assumption, that the frame rate of the two incoming videos is equal - in reality, usually the desktop capture is of a lower framerate; and even worse, very often frames are out of sync.

因此,这需要在录像编辑前坐视灯,并手工切割和编辑框架级低于秒钟的剪辑——需要小时<<><>m>5分钟>的录像。 另一方面,如果两部录像(直播和录像)did。 同样的框架和概要:原则上,你在录像编辑中发现开端同点需要几分钟以上,而合并的录像处理的其他部分可由单一指挥线处理。 因此,在这个职位上,我要着重谈谈<>desktoplect/strong>部分。

就我所知,只有很少viable。 (与)在北海图采集的替代品(注,我通常使用一台膝上型计算机作为桌面捕获的目标):

  1. Have your target PC (laptop) clone the desktop on its VGA output; use a VGA-to-composite or VGA-to-S-video hardware to obtain a video signal from VGA; use video capture card on a different PC to grab video
  2. Use recordMyDesktop on the target PC
  3. Set up a VNC server (vino on Ubuntu; or vncserver) on the target PC to be captured; use VNC capture software (such as vncrec) on a different PC to grab/record the VNC stream (which can, subsequently, be converted to video).
  4. Use ffmpeg with x11grab option
  5. *(use some tool on the target PC, that would do a DMA transfer of a desktop image frame directly - from the graphics card frame buffer memory, to the network adapter memory)

Please note that the usefulness of the above approaches are limited by my context of use: the target PC that I want to capture, typically runs software (utilizing the tested hardware) that moves around massive ammounts of data; best you could say about describing such a system is "barely stable" :) I d guess this is similar to problems gamers face, when wanting to obtain a video capture of a demanding game. And as soon as I start using something like recordMyDesktop, which also uses quite a bit of resources and wants to capture on the local hard disk - I immediately get severe kernel crashes (often with no vmcore generated).

因此,在我看来,我通常会参与一个second的电脑——以掌握和记录目标PC desktop。 除此以外,我迄今为止可以看到的与上述选择相符合的利弊如下。

(Desktop preparation)


  • Remove desktop backgrounds and icons
  • Set the resolution down to 800x600 via System/Preferences/Monitors (gnome-desktop-properties)
  • Change color depth down to 16 bpp (using xdpyinfo | grep "of root" to check)

......以尽量减少台式捕获软件的负荷。 请注意,改变乌班图的色深度需要修改xorg.conf;然而,“

为了保持图形资源使用率低,我通常有<条码>compiz残疾,或者说,我有“None”的系统/参考/设计/早期效果。 然而,在我尝试通过将视觉效应置于“热”之上(更多><>>>>/>影响产生faster<>/em> screen? 由于拥有专利的司机,该卡并不喜欢它(该卡是“<>Intel Corporation N10 Family Integratedgraphicsller/em>,而乌兰巴托在改用compiz时没有专有的驾驶人选择”,尽管所有混杂和效果只能 我的眼睛:]。

Cloning VGA

这也是最有意义的选择(因为它不仅需要额外购买一台,而且还需要购买两部硬件:VGA转换器和录像带卡);而且主要适用于膝上型计算机(既具备屏幕+额外甚高分辨率输出结果),而对于 desktop来说,也可能需要投资于额外的制图卡或甚高分辨率的克隆硬件。

然而,这也是唯一不需要目标PC任何附加软件(因此使用目标CPU的0%处理能力)的备选办法,也是唯一一个用true<>>>><>>/em>提供30 fps的录像(因为由单独的硬件进行,尽管假设单个硬件之间的锁栏域错值微不足道)。

实际上,由于我已经拥有像捕获卡这样的一些东西,我已经投入了VGA转换器,期望它最终能够让我制作最后的“合并”录像,其中只剩下5个点,只剩下一个指挥线;但我尚未看到这一进程是否将按计划进行。 I m还浪费了尽可能将 desktop作为不压缩的录像带——800x600,30 fps。


如果你在没有任何论点的情况下操作recordMyDesktop,则首先掌握(例如)原始图像数据,如/tmp/rMD-session-7247;在你要求Ctrl-C打断之后,将这种原始图像数据编码为正文。 显然,在像我的测试软件一样的硬磁盘上收集大量图像数据(这也导致大量数据),通常是造成一种不稳定的因素:

因此,我尝试的是:,在网络上分享动力;然后在目标PC上,I d 链接到这一驱动力——并指示代码上使用这一网络驱动力(通过

recordmydesktop --workdir /home/user/.gvfs/test on --no-sound --quick-subsampling --fps 30 --overwrite -o capture.ogv 


我的纳格斯中首先有<代码>recordMyDesktop,即你不能指示它保存临时档案,避免最终编码:你可以使用Ctrl++。 pa胎加胎——或者在头胎后你能够很快打到Ctrl-C,导致它坠毁;然后将离开临时档案(,如果你很快不打Ctrl-C,则该方案将“ up顶......>。 可以说:

recordmydesktop --rescue /home/user/.gvfs/test on

......以便转换原始临时数据。 然而,通常情况下,recordMyDesktop本身在履行这一“rescue”的过程中会发生过失。 虽然,我想要保存时间档案的原因,是了解情况时的mont。 请注意,“-on-the-encoding”将完全避免使用时间文档,即使用更多的邮联处理权(对我来说,这再次造成坠毁)。

然后是制定基准——显然,你可以采用<代码>-fps N备选办法设定requestedframerate;然而,这并不能保证你会实际获得该基准;例如,我获得:

recordmydesktop --fps 25
Saved 2983 frames in a total of 6023 requests

......用我的测试软件进行捕获;这意味着实际达到<>。 比率更像25*2983/6032=12.3632 fps!

很显然,这些框架被放弃,大多数都显示为 。 然而,如果我把所要求的假肢降低到12个,那么根据所节约的报告/总的报告,我就达到了11个假点;在这种情况下,录像回击率高。 我仍然 t着把这种捕捉与实在在的录像相匹配的拖车,因此,如果实际挽救了这些框架,我就没有想法,也没有准确的时间。

VNC capture

对我来说,国家民事警察局的捕获包括:在目标PC上运行一个国家民事警察局服务器,并在常设计算机记录器上运行<代码>vncrec(前版)。 作为VNC服务器,我使用vino,即“系统/参考/重新设计桌面(参考)”。 显然,即使vinoture可能不是管理的最容易的事情,vino作为服务器似乎对目标PC不征税;因为与我的测试软件平行运行时,我有没有经历过坠毁。

另一方面,当<代码>vncrec在记录器PC上捕获时,该编码还引出一个窗口,显示在实时上看到的目标台;当目标上出现大量更新(即整个窗户移动)时,可以明显看到记录器上更新/更新率的问题。 但是,仅作少量更新(即仅仅是一个 cur子在静态背景下移动),情况似乎就是如此。



  • The VNC server simply sends changes (screen changes + clicks etc) as fast as it can, when it receives them ; limited by the max network bandwidth that is available to the server
  • The VNC client receives those change events delayed and jittered by the network connection, and attempts to reconstruct the desktop "video" stream, again as fast as it can


就用户而言,截至<代码>vncrec,我通常被宣布为10 fps,尽管框架可能相当分散/倾斜(这就要求录像编辑进行切割)。 注:vncrec-twibright/README 影片的样本率是全国公民和部落居民协会拖欠或压倒的10 MOVIE FRAMERATE 环境变数,如未具体说明,则10:;然而,该页还称“VNCREC_MOVIE_FRAMERATE-Specifies framework rate of theproduct 电影. 只具有驱散方式的效力。 Default to 10. Try 24, 摘自10。 如果看到“vncrec/sockets.c来源,则可以看出:

void print_movie_frames_up_to_time(struct timeval tv)
  static double framerate;
  memcpy(out, bufoutptr, buffered);
  if (appData.record)
      writeLogHeader (); /* Writes the timestamp */
      fwrite (bufoutptr, 1, buffered, vncLog);

... which shows that some timestamps are written - but whether those timestamps originate from the "original" target PC, or the recorder one, I cannot tell. EDIT: thanks to the answer by @kanaka, I checked through vncrec/sockets.c again, and can see that it is the writeLogHeader function itself calling gettimeofday; so the timestamps it writes are local - that is, they originate from the recorder PC (and hence, these timestamps do not accurately describe when the frames originated on the target PC).


我还愿指出,在我的专用膝上型计算机上,;因此,无线电话是我的唯一选择,可以进入路由器和当地网络,速度远低于100MB/s,路由线人操作。 然而,如果被捕获的圈子由于装上目标PC而造成错误的时间点,那么我不认为良好的网络带宽会太大。

最后,就VNC而言,还可以尝试其他办法,例如:VNCast 服务器(<>promising,但需要一定时间从源中进行建设,并且正在“早期实验版本”上”;或

ffmpeg with x11grab


#  target 
ffmpeg -f x11grab -b 8000k -r 30 -s 800x600 -i :0.0 -f rawvideo - | nc 5678
#  recorder 
nc -l 5678 > raw.video  #

......的确包含一个档案,但ffplay 不能正确阅读所收集的档案;而:

#  target 
ffmpeg -f x11grab -b 500k -r 30 -s 800x600 -i :0.0 -f yuv4mpegpipe -pix_fmt yuv444p - | nc 5678
#  recorder 
nc -l 5678 | ffmpeg -i - /path/to/samplimg%03d.png

does produce .png images - but with compression artifacts (result of the compression involved with yuv4mpegpipe, I guess).

因此,I m不 liking ffmpeg+ 目前太多——但也许我不知道如何满足我的需求。

*( graphics card -> DMA -> network )

诚然,我并不肯定存在这样的情况——事实上,我要说的是: 我这里没有专家,但我猜想:

如果能够从图形卡(或保持现有桌面轨道图的缓冲)中开始传承(source)和网络改编器(destination)——原则上应当能够以正确的(和体面的)框架获得未经压缩的台式捕获。 当然,使用排雷部的转让,是为了免除处理人将桌面图像复制到网络界面的任务(,从而减少捕获软件对目标PC——特别是那些涉及RAM或硬盘的流程的影响)。

与此类似的建议当然认为:网络带宽(for 800x600, 30 fps 至少800*600*30 = 43200000 bps = 42 MiB/s,这应是当地100个甲基溴/秒网的OK);其他PC大量硬磁盘,记录和随后能够读到该原始数据的软件,并产生基于该软件的图像序列或录像:)



确实,我猜测是这样——正如我可以这样说: 任何关于工具或过程的建议,都可能导致桌面捕获

  • in uncompressed format (ultimately convertible to uncompressed/lossless PNG image sequence), and
  • with a "correctly timecoded", stable framerate


Thanks in advance for any comments,


  1. Experiences Producing a Screencast on Linux for CryptoTE - idlebox.net
  2. The VideoLAN Forums • View topic - VNC Client input support (like screen://)
  3. VNCServer throttles user inpt for slow client - Kyprianou, Mark - com.realvnc.vnc-list - MarkMail
  4. Linux FAQ - X Windows: How do I Display and Control a Remote Desktop using VNC
  5. How much bandwidth does VNC require? RealVNC - Frequently asked questions
  6. x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays
  7. HowtoRecordVNC (an X11 session) - Debian Wiki
  8. Alternative To gtk-RecordMyDesktop in Ubuntu
  9. (Ffmpeg-user) How do I use pipes in ffmpeg
  10. (ffmpeg-devel) (PATCH) Fix segfault in x11grab when drawing Cursor on Xservers that don t support the XFixes extension

你们应该为如此漫长而充满问题而 bad。

In answer to your primary question, VNC uses the RFB protocol which is a remote frame buffer protocol (thus the acronym) not a streaming video protocol. The VNC client sends a FrameBufferUpdateRequest message to the server which contains a viewport region that the client is interested in and an incremental flag. If the incremental flag is not set then the server will respond with a FrameBufferUpdate message that contains the content of the region requested. If the incremental flag is set then the server may respond with a FrameBufferUpdate message that contains whatever parts of the region requested that have changed since the last time the client was sent that region.

如何界定要求和更新互动的定义并不明确。 如果情况没有改变,服务器就不得不对每一项请求做出回应。 如果服务器有客户提出的多重要求,也允许发出一次更新。 此外,客户确实需要能够回应服务器(而不是根据要求)的超常更新信息,否则客户就会脱离集团(因为RFB不是一个框架议定书)。


Here is a description of FrameBufferUpdateRequest messages.



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