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原标题:Tomcat create a new session for every request


The problem: It s a Spring MVC (2.5.6.) Web Application, which runs in Tomcat 6. When the start page is requested it redirects the customer to a JSP Page (by using HTML s meta refresh tags) which loads it s content with a lot of Ajax requests (Framework: Prototype). The problem is that Tomcat creates a new session for every AJAX requests (about 67 sessions). My first thought was that the Session Cookie is stored after the start page is loaded and the Ajax requests forces the Tomcat to create a new session. My approach was to create the session cookie by hand, but this did not make any difference. The funny thing is that it works in some other tomcat instances, but not in the desired environment for the integration tests. In my opinion it s a Tomcat configuration issue.


Request Header 1: 
Cookie JSESSIONID=F3206CBF2C961E125821FF22FA31A02D

Response Header 1:
Set-Cookie JSESSIONID=49E000B4D6880F4F94531AB9C78DB667; Path=/JOCA-Music-Portal   JSESSIONID=50B5EA0BCFE811C744CE9C1F9EDE0097; Path=/JOCA-Music-Portal

Request Header 2:

Response Header 2:
Set-Cookie JSESSIONID=DCCA2D1B98D11223A6B8855800276E27; Path=/JOCA-Music-Portal

UPDATE: Further investigation isolated the problem to the Tomcat Realm configuration. We use a JDBC Realm for login. When the login is deativated, only one Session is created. If it s activated, Tomcat creates invalidated/expired sessions, that s why a new session is created with each request. But why does Tomcat behave like this?




我们最近带着我们正在发展的希望,陷入了同一个问题。 要查明,问题在于修改Tomcat,以帮助防止届会固定袭击。 缺席,在认证的基础上设立了一个新的会议。 这始于6.0.21。 详细分析背景组合方案变化情况(原子目录/频率/问题:)。

我们遇到了同样的问题,但在使用习俗ERERNALSSO认证时。 解决办法是明确将其从org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase继承本类的构造中删除:


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