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页: 1 变差错误
原标题:SQL Loader error

I get the below log message from sql loader. Is this message "Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed." a really error? At the end i have a log message saying total records read as 74256. In the ctl control file i see the 38-39 character for record type in each line and based on it i will insert into different tables.

Table TEST1_AA:

  42233 Rows successfully loaded.

  0 Rows not loaded due to data errors.

  32023 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.

  0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.


  0 Rows successfully loaded.

  0 Rows not loaded due to data errors.

  74256 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.

  0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.


  31 Rows successfully loaded.

  0 Rows not loaded due to data errors.

  74225 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.

  0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.

Total logical records skipped:          0

Total logical records read:         74256

Total logical records rejected:         0

Total logical records discarded:        1

Sample CTL 文件

OPTIONS (千美元)千美元iiiERRORS=9999999999999999, SILENT=(千美元)千美元iiiFEEDBACKiii, ROWS=1000iii


表格测试 乌克兰




record_sequence_no POSITION(千美元)千美元iii029:037iii DECIMAL EXTERNAL

,line_type POSITION(千美元)千美元iii040:040iii CHAR

,header_record_type POSITION(千美元)千美元iii041:041iii CHAR

,enquiry_telephone_number POSITION(千美元)千美元iii042:052iii CHAR

,total_amt_last_bill POSITION(千美元)千美元iii053:066iii DECIMAL EXTERNAL

,total_payment_received POSITION(千美元)千美元iii067:080iii DECIMAL EXTERNAL


表格测试 AS


when (千美元)千美元iii038:039iii = AS


record_sequence_no POSITION(千美元)千美元iii029:037iii DECIMAL EXTERNAL

,line_type POSITION(千美元)千美元iii040:040iii CHAR

,girn POSITION(千美元)千美元iii041:047iii CHAR

,charge_desc POSITION(千美元)千美元iii048:077iii CHAR



这不是错误。 该记录告诉你,72K记录没有装上任何地方,因为它们不符合你的WHEN条款。

换言之,在74256份记录中,有31份是处于38和39位的克民共体,其余没有。 你们也有一条电线(也许第一线是头行)。




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