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原标题:Code Igniter - form_dropdown selecting correct value from the database

在《刑法》中,在形式上存在几个问题。 我的申请分两部分,用户可以进入、进入表格并提交......一旦提交行政文件,个人就可以组成,然后将其保存到数据库。



    function get_salaries_dropdown()
    $this->db->order_by( id );
    $result = $this->db->get();
    $return = array();
    if($result->num_rows() > 0){
            $return[  ] =  please select ;
        foreach($result->result_array() as $row){
            $return[$row[ id ]] = $row[ salaryrange ];
    return $return;

Then in the Controller:

$data[ salaries ] = $this->salary_expectation->get_salaries_dropdown();


<?php echo form_dropdown( salaries , $salaries, set_value( salaries , $salaries));  ?>






According to Codeigniter documentation

The first parameter will contain the name of the field, the second parameter will contain an associative array of options, and the third parameter will contain the value you wish to be selected. You can also pass an array of multiple items through the third parameter, and CodeIgniter will create a multiple select for you.


$data[ selected ] = $this->salary_expectation->get_salary_selected();


<?php echo form_dropdown( salaries , $salaries, $selected_value);  ?>

one nasty solution to select the <option> element of <select> generated by form_dropdown() function of the form_helper is using the post input sended. I made this because any solutions I found doesn t display the value that the user select in the form neither set_selected nor set_vaule. Well, in my controller I have:

$countries = $this->country_model->get_dropdown_array(); // The array have something like $countries[COUNTRY_ID] = COUNTRY_NAME
$data[ countries ]=$countries;


$selected_country = $this->input->post( country );
echo form_dropdown( country ,$countries,$selected_country);

• fine!

The form_dropdown function has a third parameter for the selected option. Use it like this:

<?php echo form_dropdown( piece_type , 
             type1  =>  Firts type ,
             type2  =>  Second option 
             id = "piece_type" ) ?>

I had the same problem but i have overcome on this problem using code igniter syntex. Here is the solution. Fisrt step Before the loop initialize two arrays

$options = array();
$select = array();


foreach($result->result_array() as $row)
    /////////Your Condition ////////////
    if($row[ id ] == $myarray[ mycolumn ])
        $options [$row[ id ]] = $row[ salaryrange ];
        $select = $row[ id ] ; 
        $options [$row[ id ]] = $row[ salaryrange ];


echo form_dropdown( dropdown_name  , $options , $select);



<?php echo form_dropdown( salaries , $salaries, $ind_post->salaries,  );  ?>

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