English 中文(简体)
Iphone CLococation Coordination
原标题:Iphone CLLocationCoordinate2D



for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
    Datos *datos = (Datos *)[arr_datos objectAtIndex:i];
    CLLocationCoordinate2D coord;
    AnnotationItem *annotationItem = [[AnnotationItem alloc] init];
    coord.latitude =[datos.latitud doubleValue];
    coord.longitude = [datos.longitud doubleValue];

    NSLog(@"coord %f",coord.longitude);
    NSLog(@"coord %f",coord.latitude);
    [annotationItem setCoordinate:coord];
    //[annotationItem setEstacion:estacion];

    [mapView_ addAnnotation:annotationItem];
    [annotationItem release];


The problem that it doesn t done anything


这给我带来了我希望的东西,但我不想这样做,因为我有一阵列,有许多纬度和长足。 谁能帮助我这样做? i 带上<条码>coord.longized=[datos.longizedrotValue];, 它做的是t work?

I m using Xcode 3.2.2



问题在于,我改变了价值观,而我却把错误的价值观放在一边。 我必须做的是改变。

coord.latitude =[datos.longitud doubleValue]; 
coord.longitude = [datos.latitud doubleValue]; 


这似乎与Datos一样,是你界定的一个目标,因为ionet在SDK中发现。 鉴于这有几个不同之处:

  • Either that arr_datos does not have the correct (or any) data inside of it
  • It could be that the Datos object is incorrectly handling data passed into it and not storing it correctly.


CLocation Co.2D 不是这样声明的物体:

 CLLocationCoordinate2D coord;

BTW, you should be getting warnings about CLLocationCoordinate2D *coord - can you check your compiler logs?


NSLog(@"datos.lon %@", datos.longitud);
NSLog(@"datos.lat %@", datos.latitud);




for(Datos *datos in datos_arry) {


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