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How to set up yaws-1.89 in ubuntu?
  • 时间:2010-12-03 14:16:02
  •  标签:
  • ubuntu
  • yaws

I need help with setting up yaws-1.89 in ubuntu. This is the error I get:

=INFO REPORT==== 3-Dec-2010::16:52:40 ===
Yaws: Using config file /home/hudson2010/yaws.conf

=ERROR REPORT==== 3-Dec-2010::16:52:40 ===
Config Warning: Directory /var/yaws/ebin for ebin_dir doesn t exist

=ERROR REPORT==== 3-Dec-2010::16:52:40 ===
Yaws: bad conf: Unexpected tokens "max_connections" at line 30 terminating

=INFO REPORT==== 3-Dec-2010::16:52:40 ===
    application: yaws
    exited: {shutdown,{yaws_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
    type: permanent

How did you install Yaws?

I also had problems when I installed it using apt-get install yaws. Instead I downloaded the latest stable build, Yaws 1.89, compiled it and then installed it on my Ubunut Server.

See my answer to How to configure yaws webserver in the Linux terminal?

Issue the following command in terminal:

$ which yaws

If you get something like this:


Then you should start yaws using sudo command:

$ sudo yaws

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How to set up yaws-1.89 in ubuntu?

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