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原标题:How can I create and write a File one Java Process and read from another process without facing read/write problems(Java/EE)

MY 局势


While I am done with FTP I want to email a success notification. So the email process is watching for a new file pr configuration file to come in to a particular directory


我面临的问题是,在我创建档案并撰写文件时。 电子邮件程序对新档案进行检测,并在文件编写之前或提交时予以公布。 因此,它只能使用无效参数。 虽然我可以把睡在电子邮件程序之上,但它不会对所有案件工作,而且会阻碍其他填写档案的人。

What can I use to -create a property file which cannot be read untill it is completely written -or create a property file with a lock which can be unlocked from another process if need be.


As far as now: - I have tried using apache commons configuration to setProperty it created the same old read/write access problem - I created a property =new property and used store method to create the file. Even then the Email process would read before it is completely

FYI:Email Process有“望报”,在创建新档案时写。


您需要从事与档案系统有关的“分类”业务。 在另一个档案名称(例如:tmpfoobar)下以及在你重新填写、关闭并填写<代码>File.renameTo(,以便将其付诸实施。 名称为原子。


Martin建议使用改名的档案来完成这项工作:首先用临时名字书写档案,然后改名。 然后,如果另一个过程/现在只能查阅更名的档案,那么你就应当好,因为重新命名确实是原子的。


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