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原标题:Does Linux automatically free an unnamed pipe once both file descriptors have been closed?
  • 时间:2010-12-08 21:57:22
  •  标签:
  • c
  • linux
  • pipe

我正在使用一个没有名称的管道,用于父母过程与通过论坛创建的儿童进程之间的交流。 我正在使用未开张的管道功能。 h

I would assume that once both file descriptors have been closed (and in both processes), that the pipe is deallocated/freed/destroyed/etc. But I haven t found anything in the man pages that says this definitively. I am making a program that will run for a very long time, so I want to prevent memory leaks and other things of that nature.

My function body looks something like:

int pipefds[2];

pipe( pipefds );

if ( fork() == 0 ) {

    close( pipefds[1] );
    //Use pipefds[0]
    close( pipefds[0] );

} else {

    close( pipefds[0] );
    //Use pipefds[1]
    close( pipefds[1] );


Is there any documentation that says this definitively?



rel=“noreferer”> http://www. opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/Functions/close.html

When all file descriptors associated with a pipe or FIFO special file are closed, any data remaining in the pipe or FIFO will be discarded.

事实上,有没有多少资源可以自由获得,因为内部的煤炭 是“管道中的数据”,但我认为我们可以安全地假设,如果你的油轮在此之后不做任何事情,那就把你的工作推向了,而没有你的话:


<代码>close 这就是说的。

 The close() call deletes a descriptor from the per-process object reference
 table.  If this is the last reference to the underlying object, the
 object will be deactivated.

Well, about the only thing you can do is close both ends of the pipe, right? Yes, the pipe will be deallocated once all handles to both ends of the pipe are closed.

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