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原标题:Convert HTML file to PDF file using ITextSharp


鉴于html档案的路面名称,以及希望的pdf文档路名,使用ITextSharp将超文本文档转换为PDF。 我看到大量法典样本,这些样本与我需要的东西相接近,但并非完全需要。 我认为,我的解决办法需要利用iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser. RainbowWorker.Parse ToList()的功能,但我有麻烦地利用实际的超文本档案和编制实际的PDF文件。

public void GeneratePDF(string htmlFileName, string outputPDFFileName)


预 收


iTextSharp.text.Document doc = new Document();
        PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath("fromHTML.pdf"), FileMode.Create));


            List<IElement> list = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(File.ReadAllText(this.textBox1.Text)), null);
            foreach (IElement elm in list)
        catch (Exception ex)





I had the same requirement and was diverted to this page by Google but could not find a concrete answer. But after some head hitting and trials, i have been able to successfully convert the HTML code to PDF using iTextSharp library 5.1.1. The code that i have shared here also takes care of the img tags in HTML with relative paths. iTextSharp library throws an error if your img tags do not have absolute src. You an find the code here: http://am22tech.com/s/22/Blogs/post/2011/09/28/HTML-To-PDF-using-iTextSharp.aspx

让我知道,你们是否需要更多的信息。 该法典正在编号中。

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