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How to display all installed fonts in a ComboBox

I need to display all the user s installed fonts in a WinUI 3 ComboBox. I m using this code:

<ComboBox x:Name="FontComboBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={x:Static Fonts.SystemFontFamilies}}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Source}" FontFamily="{Binding Source}" />

But this causes the error:

The type x:Static was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built.

Not sure what an assembly reference is.

What would I do to fix this?


AFAIK, WinUI 3 doesn t support x:Static.

So, let me show you another way to achieve this using the Win2D NuGet package.

    Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}"

        <ComboBox ItemsSource="{x:Bind win2d:CanvasTextFormat.GetSystemFontFamilies()}" />


WinUI 3 doesn t support x:Static . And WinUI 3 also doesn t support Fonts.SystemFontFamilies`.

If you want to display all installed fonts. I suggest you could try to install the Win2D Nuget package.

enter image description here

And then you could use CanvasTextFormat.GetSystemFontFamilies Method to get a list of font families available. Here is the code:

  public List<string> Fonts
            return CanvasTextFormat.GetSystemFontFamilies().OrderBy(f => f).ToList();

<ComboBox x:Name="FontsCombo"
        ItemsSource="{x:Bind Fonts}">


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