我有一个网站,用户可以把图像与几个信息领域一道拯救图像。 这些图像作为双元数据储存在与图像信息的其他部分相同的表格中。 到目前为止,标准相当高。
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我的问题是:。 如果我把这一文件(综合数据)放在与其余图像相同的表格中,或者如果我只开一个新桌,只拿这些文件。 当然,在图像表中,文件表格中将提及该文件。
I have a search function joining a couple of tables, including the image table, when searching for images. I need to know if there s a difference in efficiency between these two solutions.
I always fetch the document data separately but if I don t win anything in having the documents in a separate table I ll just put it with the rest of the image info.
I have about 10´000 users with a maximum of 10 images per user. (ASP.NET - SQL Server)
(I m not asking if I should store documents in the database, but how ;)
Example 1:
columns in imageTable - id, title, dateAdded, image (binary data), document (binary data)
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 因此,如果文件形象化,业绩就会有任何差别。 表或表格: