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原标题:Help me out choosing a software license [closed]

这个问题似乎并不涉及在help Center中界定的范围之内的方案规划。

Closed 8 years ago.

我的申请已经达到极佳的字塔/甲型,我可能在某个时候公布。 我没有决定在我的申请中使用什么软件许可证。 申请正在施工之中。 我必须提出一个问题,每个发展者在某个时候思考这个问题。


  • It must be an open-source license.
  • It must be free for developers to use as a library for their applications.
  • Developers are allowed to redistribute the source code as part of their applications modified or unmodified.
  • The library can be used for closed-source software.
  • I want attribution/credit. A one-line credit in the software Help dialog or somewhere in about section of their website is fine. As long as it is reasonable easy for a 3rd-party to find out what library was used to produce the resulting software.
  • Forking a new project out of my existing source code should not be allowed. I want people to be able to use it and even modify it, but not clone a new similar product to compete against my existing product.
  • The license needs to state that I take no responsibility for any damage whatsoever.

是否有这样的许可证? 这些要求是否甚至符合开放源许可证?



最重要的是与公开来源概念(允许/鼓励引诱)相抵触。 更多引文如下: 哪些开放源许可证没有




  1. It is very hard to fork a (big) project
  2. You can benefit more if there are forks - you can take the good ideas from the fork and leave the bad. That way the better judgement about features/code will eventually win (which is part of the idea of Open Source)

Forking a new project out of my existing source code should not be allowed. I want people to be able to use it and even modify it, but not clone a new similar product to compete against my existing product.

首脑会议 我从未在公开来源许可中听到过这种说法,我不知道有任何这样的情况。 你们怎么会说? 确定一个 for子和另一个拿走过你的手法,然后又加上一个patch子之间的区别,确实是困难的。

你们能否考虑这一点? 很少见到,当他们这样做时,总是没有竞争。 人才、思想甚至法典可以自由传承。





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