English 中文(简体)
原标题:Select values from same column from same table
  • 时间:2010-12-22 22:54:45
  •  标签:
  • sql-server

页: 1 根据2008年服务器不同栏目得出两套数值。

问 题

  • 243 73
  • 244 73
  • 245 73
  • 429 192
  • 430 192
  • 431 192

How can I get them like this: (This is only for temporary table)

  • 1 243 429
  • 2 243 430
  • 3 243 431

Thanks a lot in advance. Manish

Thanks for your replies. For those who weren t clear about the question - I want the result to be like that temporary table. Yesterday I realized that, Actually its not possible to select different values from same column.... I used two temporary tables SELECT QUESTION_ID WHERE ID = 73 INTO #TEMP1 and SELECT QUESTION_ID WHERE ID = 192 INTO #TEMP2. Then I inner-joined both tables to use the data for some INSERT operation... Thank you.


我们不能。 由于没有1,2,3个原始浏览器的数值,因此无法对数据库进行自然排序,例如,243和429。

如果你 cross一:一::

SlectT t1.qid, t2.qid from table as t1, table as t2 WHERE t1.qid=243 and t2.qid between 429 and 431;


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