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原标题:jquery vote up down, request for some help


The above example shows calculated number of votes (vote ups - votes down). And when you click on any thumbe, it disappears the thumbs and shows the updated votes. I want to make changes that in begining it shows vote up and vote down separately (which are stored in database separately). and after thumb up or down is pressed, it should not remove the thumbs, but it should show the updated vote up and down separatetly. As shown in the image below. alt text


Main page having html/CSS and jquery code. http://pastebin.com/RC6dj6N5

vote processng code: http://pastebin.com/heszKyDc

PS。 我试图自己改变,但我无法改变。 任何帮助都将经过大量评估。 感谢。


这是一件容易的事,因为贵格会把你问到数据库中去,看看上去谁是谁,谁是谁? 每一次产出。

From here there is two ways(I would do the latter)
1: User clicks on a thumb and it posts back to the server and increments by 1(but there should be a rule to not become negative).

2: Use jQuery and ajax. Once the user clicks a thumb you use ajax to query the database and update the vote without a full page load. The ajax callback could update the vote at the page level.
When the user clicks the thumb it auto increments the inner value by 1 and then updates the database behind the scenes, you could stop there or do #2 on the callback.



此外,除了《<代码>votes_count div in the html》外,还创造了一个顶点,一个可以取得亚克斯成功的最新情况。

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