English 中文(简体)
原标题:Disabling validation for specific form (user login)

The problem

我在每一页(右面)上都有一个标识。 问题是,当用户在登记网页上时,标识表中的田地都经过验证。 页: 1 这两种形式的领域都经过验证。


  • Different field names for registration form (register_username, register_password, register_email) and then set normal names before saving.
  • Different model (but albo using the users table) for login form?



I m guess 认为两种表格将提交不同的行动,登记表将提交<编码>Users->register()和提交Users->login()的标识。



I haven t tried two forms with the same inputs, but this works for two forms with different inputs. I don t see why it shouldn t work for your needs.

View: Make sure each submit button has a name value so that $this->params can identify it.

//first form ...
    $profile_options = array( label  =>  edit profile ,
                               name  =>  form1 );
    echo $this->Form->end($profile_options);
//second form ...
    $password_options = array( label  =>  edit password ,
                               name  =>  form2 );
    echo $this->Form->end($password_options);

Controller action: Use $this->params to test for each form submission

if(isset($this->params[ form ][ form1 ])){
    $this->User->set($this->data); //necessary to specify validation rules
       if($this->User->validates(array( fieldList  => array( email )))){
             $this->User->saveField( email , $this->data[ User ][ email ]);
elseif(isset($this->params[ form ][ form2 ])){
    //same deal for second form

只有在使用你模式中具体规定的一组验证,才能验证你的模型。 例如,你有一个用户模式,首先包括名称、最后名称、电子邮件和密码。 在这种情况下,在创建或编辑用户时,你希望确认所有4项外地规则。 然而,当你们的用户记录能够验证公正的电子邮件和密码规则。 为此,你可以采取一系列办法,具体指明以下领域:

if ($this->User->validates(array( fieldList  => array( email ,  password )))) {
    // valid
} else {
    // invalid

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