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如何展示 窗口7电话中的互联网图像?
原标题:How to display Images from internet in a windows phone 7 app?

我正在提出申请,通过打平RSS的饲料获取图像。 我想在接获屏幕后,在应用中相互淡化这种形象。 如何做? 是否需要在显示之前下载所有图像? 请解释。



  • Parse you re RSS Feed to get the images URL s (using for exemple HTTPWebRequest)
  • Set the binding for the source of each of you images (since it s web based, I recommend LowProfileImageLoader which will load images in the background.
  • Create a SlideShow.xaml view, based on a pivot. Dynamically add Pivot items
  • On tap on a thumbnail, launch the SlideShow.xaml, at the specified index


<Image x:Name="m_Image" Source="http://www.microsoft.com/silverlight/images/ms-silverlight-logo.png"/>


Uri uri = new Uri("...", UriKind.Absolute);
ImageSource imgSource = new BitmapImage(uri);
m_Image.Source = imgSource;

采用低Profile 图像传输(如Thomas Joulin和Mick N所提到)是将图像装入背景并保持国际标准化组织反应的良好途径。

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