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地理空间指数如何发挥作用? [闭门]
原标题:How does a geospatial index work? [closed]

我很想知道地理空间指数,如MongoDB所使用的地理空间指数如何发挥作用。 谁能解释内部使用何种数据结构/分类? 搜查的时间复杂性如何?



视数据类型和使用模式而定,有R-Tree。 或变式: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%2B_tree。 R+quadtree 或甚至连kd-tree


另有 SO question:

The current implementation encodes geographic hash codes atop standard MongoDB B-trees. Results of $near queries are exact. One limitation with this encoding, while fast, is that prefix lookups don t give exact results, especially around bit flip areas. MongoDB solves this by doing a grid-neighbor search after the initial prefix scan to pick up any straggler points. This generally ensures that performance remains very high while providing correct results.

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