English 中文(简体)
zi 不要提取目标目录
原标题:zip not Extracting to target directory
  • 时间:2011-01-03 19:05:28
  •  标签:
  • c#-3.0

This is the code using (ZipFile zipnew = ZipFile.Read(strPath)) { foreach (ZipEntry zenew in zipnew) { zenew.Extract(exPath); }

zenew.filename="c: empimagesfish2.jpg" exPath = "c: empmembers12images"

我发现这一错误。 档案C: empImagesfish2.jpg已经存在。

Hope to get a reply Thanks


它期望你们把超凡旗打成一片。 例如:

using (ZipFile zipnew = ZipFile.Read(strPath)) { foreach (ZipEntry zenew in zipnew)        
      zenew.filename="c:	empimagesfish2.jpg"
      exPath = "c:	empmembers12images"
      zenew.Extract(exPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);

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