I m working on an application that creates N indices and N aliases, and there s a one-to-one correspondence between these indices and aliases.
But once in a while, I instead get N indices and N-1 aliases, and one of the indices has a name that should ve been used by an alias. For some reason when this happens, the bogus index-that-should-have-been-an-alias-name has a yellow status, while the other indices are all green.
What might cause an index to be the only one that is yellow? I m hoping understanding this might help me narrow down which part of the code I need to scrutinize to fix the bug.
My elasticsearch.yml has just:
cluster.name: "docker-cluster"
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["", "[::1]"]
In production we may have more ES nodes, but this is just a test system, so just one ES node.