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原标题:stop running ajax calls

i have a dynamic search in php with jquery. When i m entering a letter, an ajax call starts. My problem is, that all ajax calls are working till end, so that every letter is a full call. When a user is entering a full word then i have unused requests. How can i stop the unused calls?




something like

var searchtimeout;
$( #search ).keyup( function(){
  if (searchtimeout)
  searchtimeout = setTimeout(function(){
                                // initiate the ajax call here..
                             }, 300);
} );



Why dont you use the autocomplete plugin in jquery.. I am assuming you have handcoded the dynamic lookup.. auto complete takes care of most of these things and it is also configurable as to after how many letters you want to post to the server..it also implements caching.

I have used it in a lot of asp.net projects and it is pretty neat.. docs.jquery.com/Plugins/autocomplete


if (searchtimeout)
        searchtimeout = setTimeout(function(){
                alert("MACH WEG!");
            x = $.post(url + "ajax.html?nsearch=1&ckey="+SID, {queryString: ""+inputString+""}, function(data) { // Do an AJAX call
                $( #suggestions ).fadeIn(); // Show the suggestions box
                $( #suggestions ).html(data); // Fill the suggestions box
                x = null;
        }, 300);

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