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原标题:Codeigniter Current Logged in user

在编码协调员中,我有一份标识/登记表,全部建立起来,完美地工作,然而,我如何产生目前用户的名称,即用户名称。 当用户贴上“Welcome,[用户名称]”栏。

我也有必要知道这一点,以便能够从数据库中产生基于目前用户信息数据库的记录,我如何能够这样做? 我把关于密码用户的文献汇编成册,但却发现我所期待的东西。 I m 采用积极记录。

增 编

echo $this->session->userdata( name )





How is your login form performing the login action ? In most cases it s using session to identify that you are logged in. After you confirm (usually with database) that a user is OK drop user info in session (ID, readable name, and any other things you need) and next:

echo "Welcome " . $_SESSION["username"];

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