English 中文(简体)
原标题:Difference between fprintf, printf and sprintf?





在C,一种“上游”是一种抽象的概念;从方案角度看,它只是一种 by的生产者(投入流)或消费者(产出流)。 它可与磁盘、管道、终端或印刷机等其他一些装置相对应。 <代码>FILE 类型载有有关溪流的信息。 通常,你没有带<条码>的密码。 直接反对内容,你只是向各种I/O例行公事发过问。

三个标准流:st是标准投入流的指点,stdout是标准产出流的指点,stderr是标准错误产出流的指点。 在一次互动会议上,这三人通常指的是你的独角,尽管你可以将其转移到其他档案或装置上:

$ myprog < inputfile.dat > output.txt 2> errors.txt

例如,stdin 现有<代码>inputfile.dat ,stdout points to output.txt, and stder points to


<代码>f相当于写作fprintf(stdout, ......),并在标准产出流目前点的任何地方书写格式案文。



。 (FILE*)

。 接着是你分配的缓冲地带。 (char*)

  • printf(const char *format, ...) is used to print the data onto the standard output which is often a computer monitor.
  • sprintf(char *str, const char *format, ...) is like printf. Instead of displaying the formated string on the standard output i.e. a monitor, it stores the formated data in a string pointed to by the char pointer (the very first parameter). The string location is the only difference between printf and sprint syntax.
  • fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) is like printf again. Here, instead of displaying the data on the monitor, or saving it in some string, the formatted data is saved on a file which is pointed to by the file pointer which is used as the first parameter to fprintf. The file pointer is the only addition to the syntax of printf.

如果stdout file is used as the first para amount in fprintf,则其工作应视为等同于printf




You( v)的功能也非常有用:

$ cat test.cc
#include <exception>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct exception_fmt : std::exception
    exception_fmt(char const* fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format(printf,2,3)));
    char const* what() const throw() { return msg_; }
    char msg_[0x800];

exception_fmt::exception_fmt(char const* fmt, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    vsnprintf(msg_, sizeof msg_, fmt, ap);

int main(int ac, char** av)
    throw exception_fmt("%s: bad number of arguments %d", *av, ac);

$ g++ -Wall -o test test.cc

$ ./test
terminate called after throwing an instance of  exception_fmt 
  what():  ./test: bad number of arguments 1
Aborted (core dumped)


  1. 印刷 is used to perform output on the screen.
  2. syntax = 印刷("control string ", argument );
  3. It is not associated with File input/output


  1. The f印刷 it used to perform write operation in the file pointed to by FILE handle.
  2. The syntax is f印刷 (filename, "control string ", argument );
  3. It is associated with file input/output



#include <stdio.h>
int sprintf (char *string, const char *format
[,item [,item]…]);








printf format [argument]…


。 这与流体有关,即作为<条码>f的说明类似<条码>f 印/条码>,但与流体无关,即<条码>f。 相关档案


附录一 具体来说,你希望:(一) 在你的屏幕上印刷这一版本,(二)在变数中加以节省,供今后使用。 可在(一)和<条码>(二)中使用<条码>。 这里是法典。

/* saves file name and current line in a string and prints it on the screen*/

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
  /* note the use of a marco to save the line nr. */
  int line_n= __LINE__; 
  /* note the use of a marco to save the file name */
  char file_name[]= __FILE__;
  /* Some text you wish to print/save */
  char line[] = "Line ";
  char file[]= " of file ";

  char my_str[100];

  /* expand everything and save it in my_str for future use */
  sprintf(my_str, "%s%d%s%s", line, line_n, file, file_name);

  /* or just print it out on the screen */
  printf("%s", my_str);

  return 0;

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