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原标题:Custom control under modaldialog not repainting when moving dialog
  • 时间:2011-01-07 15:47:06
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • .net
  • gdi+

是什么原因? 其它控制显示是罚款......

    public CustomControl()
        SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
        SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
        SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);



Edit: For clarification: Suppose you have a window-sized control with a small modal dialog form on top. When you move the dialog window, it s like your painting with the window on the control (the borders are painted on the control). The control doesn t repaint itself like other controls do on the same form, ie montcalendar or other custom controls. I can t seem to find the cause of this ?




Hard to tell from the snippet. The standard mistake is to draw through Control.CreateGraphics() instead of the OnPaint() method. Won t work, Windows lets the OnPaint method run when parts of the control get uncovered. Which wipes out whatever you drew. Another failure mode is deriving from a control that s a wrapper for a native Window control. UserPaint is not supported for these type of controls, the native Windows code has to do the drawing.

从屏幕上可以清楚看出,该文本是如何被夸大的。 这是因为“OnPaint()”凌驾于此。 ClipRectangle property to amount out where tofer. 当你慢慢地把窗户拖到你控制的地方时,这种价值总是会发生变化,这只是告诉你,控制的一部分需要重新撤出。 页: 1 请参看,。 这必须基于控制束缚,通常从(0,0)到(ClientSize.Width、客户Size.H8)。

只使用过了。 优化提纲。 如同在拖拉机车外收集昂贵的图谱一样。 否则,视窗就是一个小小小块,在自动剪辑时已经相当好。



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