English 中文(简体)
缩略语 项目ComboBox填满了WCF Service
原标题:Silverlight SelectedItem ComboBox filled with WCF Service

First of all, sorry for my English...
I have something like this:

public class MyClass
   private MyOtherClass _other;

public MyOtherClass Other { get { return _other; } set { _other = value; } } }


I have two WCF services... one for everything related with MyClass, and the second one for everything related with MyOtherClass, so... I fill the combo with a List of MyOtherClass, but I have to set the SelectedItem from the property on MyClass, and the references of those classes are not the same.

Please, I need help!


我发现的解决办法是建立一个新的银灯级图书馆,其结构与实体级图书馆项目(Data Model级,由NHibernate绘制)相同,以便当我在银星应用中增加一个服务参考资料时,我可以重新使用这些课程,而世界资源中心服务处则不为它所使用的类别提供参考。




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