English 中文(简体)
原标题:left side bar in twiki
  • 时间:2011-01-07 00:22:30
  •  标签:
  • twiki

i 想做如下事:

  1. a list of hyperlink in left sidebar
  2. when I click hyperlink in sidebar, the content is rendered in right side.




您可以编辑网站Left Bar,以列入超级链接清单。

WebLeftBar works per web, so you have to edit the WebLeftBar topic of every web you want to impact. For example. to tweak the Main-Web, you edit http://example.com/bin/view/Main/WebLeftBar (replace example.com with your domain). If you want your left bar to be the same across all webs, you might consider to include one web s WebLeftBar into all the other WebLeftBar topics so that you have to edit only one topic if you want to change your left bar.




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