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原标题:Mono Tools for Visual Studio - tutorial wanted

我下载了“Windows”和“Mono”用于“视力”的仪表,并安装了这些器具,并在我的录像仪中看到了一些新的光芒和项目模板。 但是,我对如何建立我的第一手工作没有想法。 是否可能? 除了我已经下载的内容外,我是否需要其他东西?

寻找帮助资源。 我从启动一个项目到看到这个项目在我的“iPad”上运行的“hello世界”理论会非常麻烦。 是否存在这样的事情?


视频演播室的莫奥工具不允许你建造蜂窝。 你们所期待的产品是Mono Touch,由于使用大部分的 Apple果发展工具链,该产品只能用于一个Mac。

What are some things Mono is not a good fit for?

I ve started your typical web project from scratch using the Mono platform. You know, web services, a UI, MySQL database, all that. I ve heard around the net that it s not a picture-perfect ...

How Reliable is Mono on Linux vs .NET on Windows?

I am trying to decide upon using Mono with C# or Python (Django) for a Linux based Web Site. My concern with C# is that Mono may not be as reliable as .NET. Does anyone have any experience with this?

System.Data in Mono

Has System.Data in Mono been expanded to include extra functionality? I m attempting to make use of the SQL Parser written for Mono in Mono.Data.SqlExpressions but when all the classes in the ...

Basic MEF workflow/usage

I m looking to a framework which will allow me to have a simple plugin system in my .NET application. It seems MEF is the framework which Microsoft is endorsing, and will become part of .NET 4 (it ...

In Mono/Gnome, how can I look up the icon for a mime type?

Gnome.Icon and Gnome.ThumbnailFactory both want me to pass in a URI of a file whose icon I want -- I only have a MIME type, which I want to look up an icon for. Is there a GNOME C# API function which ...

ASP.NET MVC 2 on mono

Is it possible to run the new ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 2 on mono?
